5 Essential Tips for the Perfect Paint Job

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5 Essential Tips for the Perfect Paint Job

It is true that anyone can paint a room. Just pick up a brush, buy the paint, and, voila! You’re off. However, very few people know how to execute a perfect paint job. The exciting news is that you do not require decades of experience to pull this off. In fact, you just need to read and digest this piece and then apply what you’ve learned.

You’re itching to know the essential tips for a perfect paint job, right? Let’s get to it instantly.

1. Take Time to Clean

For a lot of people, painting is extremely exciting and they just can’t wait to get to it. This often causes them to skip the seemingly ‘boring’ aspect of sweeping and cleaning. Bad move, very bad move. Clean the walls thoroughly, especially if you’re painting places like the kitchen and bathroom where the design is made of grease, hair spray, and food droplets.

Take time to sweep, dust, and clean the entire area. It is also recommended that you use a damp cloth with a little bit of soap to remove any debris or dirt. Failure to do this will cause the paint not to stick.

2. Spend Money on the Appropriate Tools

We all do our best to purchase the most expensive paints, believing that this is what we need for the walls to sparkle. While quality paint is an important prerequisite, it isn’t the only requirement. Investing in the right high-quality tools is equally crucial to a perfect paint job. There’s no joy in using your fingers when you can easily get a mini scraper. You should also invest in high-quality painter’s tape to protect the surface.

3. Protect Surfaces You Don’t Intend Painting

Remember that the plan is to end up with a successful paint job. No matter how beautiful the ceiling paint job is, the project is still considered a debacle if there are blobs of paint dripping from the wall. Be rest assured that the extra time you spend covering floors, furniture, and other sections is totally worth it.

4. Apply Primer by Dabbing Against the Wall

If you’re painting a surface that has not been painted for long, it is always advisable to go for a separate primer. This will help you cover the flaws in the surface and also give you a suave, long-lasting finish. Leaving the patches unprimed will leave conspicuous dull spots and cause your surface to appear botched. In the process of applying the primer, don’t just brush it gently across, dab your brush against the wall.

5. Keeping the Brush After Use

It is not unusual to be presumptuous in your estimate of the time it’ll take to complete the project. If this is the case and you need an extra day, there’s the perfect way to keep your brush. Seal it in a freezer bag. As long as it is airtight, you can take it out the next day and continue using it without cleaning it. However, this shouldn’t exceed a week, if not, it might dry out or become stiff.


Even though the article promised you 5 tips, here’s an extra tip for you. Consider it a reward for your patience and perseverance. Paint from the top to the bottom. This will allow you paint from the top to the bottom, thereby covering any mistakes incurred on the job.

Now, go on and unleash your inner genius! Remember that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

To schedule your Free Consultation with one of the experts from Sunshine Builders, Inc. call 877-824-4476